Week 3—Sept. 19 and 21

In class:
-Finish discussion about the football game workflow
-Get access to ruoj2roughdraft.wordpress.com
-More about Assignment 1: Event (Examples: Fishtown Street Food Festival and Madonna in AC)
Lecture: The art of story hunting
How to pitch a story for this class (the “XY And what’s interesting test”)
Pitch for Assignment 1 due on Wednesday. Once it’s approved you can start working on your workflow.

Reading Review:
-Explore BillyPenn.com, a local, digital-only publication and OJA finalist. What does a digital-first strategy look like at this publication? Come with examples.
-Read How Philly’s Billy Penn is building a local news audience from scratch (NiemanLab)
-Read Inside Billy Penn with CEO Jim Brady (AJR)
-Read How a digital-first workflow guides a reporter’s work by Steve Buttry
-Read 10 ways to think like a digital journalist by Steve Buttry
-Read NPR’s Emily Harris made this checklist to organize her story process (NPR)

Reading Assignments:
-Watch Ira Glass on Storytelling Part 2 and Part 3
-How AJ+ reported from Baltimore using only mobile phones (Poynter)
-Read How to grow a social media community from scratch (NPR)
-Read Get a Twitter habit: 5 things to do every day until it sticks (NPR)
-Read How to tell powerful narratives on Instagram (Nieman Storyboard)
-Read Here’s how 6 news orgs are thinking about the chat app (Nieman Lab)
Quiz #1 reading and lectures next Wednesday

About Nick DiUlio

Professor Nick DiUlio is a lecturer who focuses on teaching students how to craft innovative digital-first nonfiction storytelling and long-form narrative journalism. In addition to his role as lecturer, DiUlio is the former editor of South Jersey Magazine and an award-winning journalist with more than 15 years of experience whose work has appeared in publications such as Philadelphia Magazine, New Jersey Monthly, and Slate.com. He teaches Digital Journalism I & II, Magazine Article Writing, Social Media for Journalists, and Media Ethics, and he is the faculty advisor for Rowan University’s student newspaper The Whit. As a journalist, Professor DiUlio has covered a wide range of topics and personalities, with published work focusing on everything from profiles of artists and important political figures to hard-news stories with both national and local appeal; from restaurant and beverage reviews to tips on fashion and finance; from health and wellness pieces to celebrity Q&A’s.
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